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Blogging To Cari Duit

Posted by ApOgEE On 8:35 AM 4 comments

Cari Duit is a Malay words for finding Money. Lately, this words have become quite popular among Malaysian bloggers, internet marketers and even those people who don't know anything about internet. This new trend of Cari Duit Online becoming a special new keyword for people to start knowing internet.

Recently, I found some fliers at the mosque where this guy is advertising his scheme/program which said to be great and would make you rich. And this fella added that his program is not even listed on the Malaysia's banned list of the Get Rich Quick Scheme. Do you think I'll believe it?... Come on man, It's a typical word to attract those who stupid enough to believe such kind of miracles could happen in their life without doing real hard work.

There is lots of ways to Cari Duit on the internet and one of the fun way to get one is by blogging. You can blog for fun and earn some money. Still, you have to put some effort to learn and update your blog. Make sure you register with Google Adsense and Amazon. Then learn how you could Cari Duit via Blogging.

Keep on visiting this blog and learn together with me where I'll blog about everything I've learned about Cari Duit with Blogging. Hey mate, did you know that you can get this blog update through your email or feed reader? Click on Subscribe The Rojak Blog Feeds and select your favorite reader or you can also Subscribe to The Rojak Blog by Email.

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4 Response for the "Blogging To Cari Duit"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Cari duit online on PPP also! Remember to click on my badge to open an account. Thanks!

  2. ApOgEE says:

    Ya lor.. I nearly forget to that. Thanks for reminding me...By the way, I'm trying to focus on this Adsense and Amazon Income before leveraging to other Cari Duit Online option like PayPerPost, Nuffnang, AuctionAds and others...

  3. me also concentrate to both affiliate like and

  4. Anonymous says:

    I think selling text links is the best way to cari duit
