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Be careful on FreeCreditReport.Com

Posted by ApOgEE On 4:32 PM 1 comments

Be extra careful while seeking for free credit report. This guy called Joe Norton have stupidly go to the website without reading what is stated there. He signed up for that one day, and said they conned him out of 30 bucks.

My simple advice is do Read the Terms and condition when it consist money or any other credit card informations. How they are using your information and how you can get rid of 'force to buy' tricks.

Something that he might not read is...

When you order your free report here, you will begin your free trial membership in Triple AdvantageSM Credit Monitoring. If you don’t cancel your membership within the 30-day trial period, you will be billed $12.95 for each month that you continue your membership.

read more | digg story

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1 Response for the "Be careful on FreeCreditReport.Com"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wah! day time robbery liddat! LOL
