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  • Another blog by ApOgEE

    I'm blogging whatever I wanna share to my audience. Sometimes, I share with descriptions, or my personal opinion and sometimes I didn't, so you have to figure it out yourself. You can read it, digest it and do what ever you like. Do not always believe what you read. Use your brain to find out the truth.

Did you know that there is a best free high quality web browser for a hardcore web surfer? I bet you are using it now if you are a crazy surfer like me. Yeah! I am a Firefox user and I'm addicted to it. Why?... There is a lot of pros than contras in using Firefox as your web browser.

Here is my list on Why I like Firefox very much.

  • Firefox is free.
  • It is a High Quality web browser.
  • Firefox gives me smooth and great speed while surfing.
  • Firefox is even more secure.
  • Installing Firefox is painless
  • You can easily import all your previous IE bookmark.
  • Interesting features can be added thru Firefox Add-ons.
  • provide a way for you to determine whether any difficulty you may have in viewing a Web site is due to the site itself or your browser.
  • A lot of useful features that IE don't have.
  • Auto detect RSS feed. (I use RSS feed a lot to save my time going to my favorite site/blog because they will come straight to my feed reader)
  • Totally customizable.
  • I am addicted to Firefox.

If you are using Firefox now, I'm sure you will agree with what I'm saying just now. But if you don't, you can simply try it now. And I bet you'll get addicted to it like me. You will experience a better surfing experience. Don't wait! grab it now while it is free!! (Psst... check out the firefox banner on top of this page!)

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