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  • Another blog by ApOgEE

    I'm blogging whatever I wanna share to my audience. Sometimes, I share with descriptions, or my personal opinion and sometimes I didn't, so you have to figure it out yourself. You can read it, digest it and do what ever you like. Do not always believe what you read. Use your brain to find out the truth.

Updating my blogs

Posted by ApOgEE On 12:34 PM 3 comments

I've been so busy lately with my work and other things. What is still going and growing here in this Rojak Blog is the Technorati Favorite Exchange Project. Believe it or not, it makes this blog being listed in Technorati Top 100 Favorite Blog. Wow! isn't that great?... Anyway, sorry for those who have tagged me while I still don't have enough time to do so.

Last week I was gathering all my old sketches from my store room to update my Art Of ApOgEE blog and then drawing a picture of Kak Roshatika, my blogger friend. She have requested me for a simple sketch a month ago thru MyBlogLog. Then, this is the finished artwork...

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3 Response for the "Updating my blogs"

  1. Anonymous says:

    Woah! Busy cari wang ar?

  2. Hi friend! Do check this out if you have time! It increases your Techno rank and PageRank! And it works! And I kid you not! Hope to see your name in the stars too! Please advise! More power! The link is at

  3. ApOgEE says:

    aceone118 : Ekekeke... not so busy lor, just make it look busy...
    the anitokid : i'll try that as soon i got released from my not so busy day... thanks anitokid!
